Thursday, 12 January 2012

Old Timey Naniamey

So, still finding my way through photoshop CS3 and thought this pic of the Palace would make a typical old timey shot. After purchasing PhotoPlus magazine, I was able to follow some tutorials and came up with this: 

I kinda up, Mike's Old Timey Portrait Studio ;-)  Maybe I'll have a brothel theme - double ;;-)

Monday, 9 January 2012


So, with Photography, one must learn Photshop as well!  Here's an early trial into some "art".  My daughter Alexis on Christmas Day, can you guess the title of the song the words are from???

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Jam Space

I also play guitar in a band called Almost Famous, this is some pics of our jam space.....

I also play guitar in a band called Almost Famous, this is some pics of our jam space.....

Happy New Year!

My first post begins with my first photo post, playing the the aperture settings, I get what is below

Hopefully I can continue to hone some skills and someday consider myself a photographer, but if not, I can still call myself a musician,  Happy New Year!